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Q: Kathryn, I think I have bad timing.

I broke up with my boyfriend two weeks ago. And now the holidays are here.

I’m feeling so sorry for myself and am tempted to give in and call him.

Even though he would not talk about a future with me.

I want so much more but I find myself counting down the days until Christmas and New Year are over.

I honestly don’t know if I’m going to make it through. I’m crying every day and just need something. Can you help?

A: I’m so sorry you are suffering but break-ups don’t always conveniently fall between March and October, like they ought to!

So, let me help you make it easier for yourself and even use this time to sow the seeds for your Real love, your soulmate.

And let me ask you a question:

If I had a crystal ball and could tell you, that love was on its way – that you would meet someone more dazzling than you’ve ever been with who loves you like crazy and after this, they would never leave your side and you would have years and years of amazing holidays together – would that help?

Because we can make that happen!

And we can even start on it now!

And the hope for that -- the faith that it’s coming – can carry you through the holidays.

Rest assured you WILL get the love you want.

And you’re better off free now if it wasn’t going to work with your b.f.

So here are some tips to get you through this time and even USE IT to open up to the real love of your life

 The first thing to do is to do some good releasing work. Let go! The attachment is what makes the pain so much worse. Then, we can get busy with the replace step.

 Do plan some things to do. Reach out to friends and supportive family so you’re not home moping the whole time.

 Find some good entertainment – good movies or books to pile up and distract yourself.

 Give yourself a good gift – maybe a massage or something you’ve wanted. Self-care & indulgence are especially good right now.

 And buy a gift or card for your soulmate that you will give to him at a special time (I gave Jon the one I’d bought on our wedding day).

 Finally just try to hang on till it’s over. It’s really only about a week to grin and bear it, and then the holidays are DONE.

 Use the holidays to work on your love life. It’s a great time of seeing people at events. So many more folks are out & about, seeking to connect, and I’ve had more than romance happen for a client during this time.

You never know! You could meet someone over the holidays, too.

But whether it’s now or soon, your love life will be good. You will find your soulmate.

This is for SURE!

I’m blessing you for the soulmate love you so deserve! And do tune into my upcoming free class to set a powerful intention for love in 2017.