My Boys in a Boracay-Style Tricycle

November 16th, 2009

Hi and welcome to my new Blog! I’ve switched to this one, because it’s easier and I’ll be able to post more easily & more often.

My family and I are in Boracay, Philippines for the winter. I’m working on my new book and we are enjoying the heck out of this charming tiny tropical island which is just 4 miles long and ½ mile wide.

Bless Your BAD Love Life!

Those who start off with a bad love life are often the ones who end up the happiest doing my work. Why is this?

• When you're willing to wait for love, you demonstrate at the highest level, not settling just for the sake of having someone in your life.

• Going through a great deal to find love, having a series of disappointing dating experiences puts your desire for your true love on HIGH. As long as you don't sink into despair or cynicism (something my work prevents), then this passionate wanting brings to you the love you've wanted.

• Finally, when you've had some hard knocks in love or NO love life at all for a period of time, you never take your soulmate for granted, once they show up. You have more appreciation for this amazing relationship and end up happier than anyone you know.

If you're ready to do serious work to call forth your soulmate, The 30 Day Soulmate Bootcamp is still on SALE as a downloadable for a short time longer. Get it with 4 hot extras now here!
I can’t believe the holidays are almost here. It’s our third time to put together some special packages at substantial discounts for the season. You can even order them gift-wrapped or purchase downloads to get them immediately. To see them, visit this link:

More soon – take good care!
