I've been seeing this guy
I really like. It started out super strong and now is petering out. He's not
calling as much, and doesn't plan ahead for dates with me. I wonder if I did
something wrong that pushed him away . . . like be too needy. Do you think
there's a way to make this work out? I want it to so badly. Do you think I have
a chance with him still? Or did I blow it? Please help me, Kathryn.
I have good news. There really is a chance that it can work out! But we would
need to test it out and do some things differently just to see. Here's the dating
advice or protocol I would prescribe.
Have you been doing all of the heavy lifting? Like the bulk of the texting,
phoning and emailing to set things up? If so, you need to slack off. Back off
and give him a chance to initiate some contact and even some plans.
don't want to force it into happening. There needs to be some reciprocity and
mutuality of interest.
Let go a bit while being warm and connected when you do communicate. This looks
like calling less, finding other things to be busy about and doing a release on
him internally -- something you probably know is a specialty of mine. This is
one dating advice you’d want to keep.
Get and stay at soulmate level. Your vibration is everything. You can make
anything work out, attract just like you want and more when you are in the
right place energetically. Neediness and desperation are at the bottom rung of
attraction and will never get you what you want.
Level is hopeful, released, happy and standing in how amazing you are. It
brings just what you want to you.
Don't put all of your eggs in this one basket (of this guy no matter how much
you like him). This is another dating advice you should take seriously. Look
around and be open to others (if you aren't in a committed situation which I
gather you're not). Flirt and focus elsewhere.
bless you for working this out. It's possible, and remember that no matter
what, you get love with your soulmate. Hope you find my dating advice helpful.
sending you love & support!