Q: Kathryn, I'm dating the best guy I've ever dated. He is even my boyfriend! But I find myself constantly on pins and needles that I will lose him. It's never been this amazing with anyone before, and I'm at a loss. I know you say that he's not too good for me -- that no one is -- but it feels that way. I almost make myself sick, worrying about it.

A: My answer is one that should cheer you up! Let's dive in further to supposed dating out of your league -- it's not so hard to seal the deal and to save yourself tons of worry and grief.

  • DATING OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE, PART 4: Keeping Your Soulmate 

    So, you've gotten someone who you consider out of your league. You're dating and even committed. How do you keep him or her? The following spiritual techniques will work better than the most skillful manipulation technique that a traditional dating coach could teach you. 

    1. Continue to work on your own self-image. No one is really "too good" for you. Dating out of your league is a false concept. And so, you need to repeatedly remind yourself that you're worthy of this person. It's important that the two of you have an equal relationship in which you don't feel one-down. 

    2Relax. When you find yourself panicking that you'll lose this "catch," use faith-building tools like prayer, meditation, uplifting reading and affirmations: ("I GET this and nothing can take away what is mine!). Mellow energy shows confidence and there is no greater magnet. 

    3. Communicate. Keep an open channel of
    connection with your boyfriend. It's one of the best ways to ensure a continued, vital relationship. Strive to keep revealing yourself to your One, even if it's scary and continue to explore your partner. You can never get to the bottom of another person.

    4. Let go. Holding on loosely is MUCH more magnetic than becoming clingy, paranoid or having to keep close tabs (all of which are repellent energies) on your love. Release and watch things blossom!
Chin up! You GET THIS. Most people who do my work end up with someone hotter than anyone they've ever dated. They have to get used to how great this person is that they manifested. But he's yours and you won't lose him. That's how it is with soulmates