Step #1 to date "out of your league" is something you must know before you do anything else

Without it, you won't see anything different happen

Your love life will remain in limbo

And you will never attract anyone that you actually want


So what is Step #1?

Elevate Yourself (the B for Boost in my ABC Connecting System)

- Until you feel better about yourself, you cannot attract anyone you want

- If you feel crappy about yourself, everyone you would actually like is truly out of reach

- You won't feel good enough

- And they won't see you as good enough either

- THE DANGER - you may settle for someone you really don't want

- Because you don't think you can get who you want


We need to get you being nicer to yourself

large body of research shows that self-compassion is the best way to elevate yourself

You need to feel good about who you are and what you deserve

We have to do some behavior modification

 We need to still any unkind ways you talk to yourself

 Learn to be easier on yourself

 And work on greater self-acceptance


Joan had been with Rex for 3 years

She was bored by him but scared to death to break up

At 39, Joan was so fearful of ending up alone that she said YES to Rex even though she wasn't all that attracted

He seemed nice enough. They moved in together and had been a couple for 2 years when she came to me for help

Rex was not very exciting to her

In her opinion, they didn't have great chemistry

He didn't like to do much, didn't like to travel (which she loved) and their life together bored her

Joan found herself doing too much in the relationship -- all the laundry and grocery shopping, paying more of the bills

Joan regularly had crushes on guys at work, all of whom she felt would never give her the time of day

But she didn't have the courage to break up with Rex, scared to be alone

This is when she came to me

With me holding her hand, she ended the relationship, and we had to take Step #1 as well as a few other steps to start attracting guys supposedly out of her league

It was magic! She finally started feeling desirable and happier just out of being easier on herself

And one of her work crushes actually panned out. 

She connected with out of her new self-regard, and he responded

The two are now a super couple with sizzling chemistry, and this "out of her league" romance was just the thing for her

"I finally got what I've always wanted" she smiled.

Step #1 was a large part of the work we did together to bring the love she wanted to Joan


1. Start watching what you say to yourself. Get rid of any insults you tell yourself, and tell yourself some more positive things, acknowledging the good things you do

2. Quit giving so much! Lighten up your schedule, give yourself a break from being perfect, and just enjoy life more of the time

3. Make a list of why you are special to get a better sense of how valuable you are, at the same level as those who you thought were out of your league

Stay tuned for Step #2 for Dating Out of Your League next week. You will learn how to get anyone you want to treat you the way you want them to

It's magic!!